Song: Heaven Sent
by Susan and David Edwards
Vocals: Susan Edwards. Guitar: David Edwards. Instrumentation and recording: Sharon Hopkins.
This song “Heaven Sent” goes with Susan’s painting “Heaven Sent.”
Song: Don’t Let Go
by Susan and David Edwards
Vocals: Susan Edwards. Guitar: David Edwards. Instrumentation, singing and recording: Sharon Hopkins. This song “Don’t Let Go” goes with Susan’s painting “The Seedling.”
Song: Olive Tree
by Susan and David Edwards
Vocals: Susan Edwards. Guitar: David Edwards. Instrumentation and recording: Sharon Hopkins. The song “Olive Tree” goes with Susan’s painting “Not My Will But Thine.”
Song: Winds of Change
by Susan and David Edwards.
Vocals: Susan Edwards, Montie Williams. Instrumentation: Mark Adkins, Carl Schwitzer, and Gavin Ryan. Recording: Sage Mountain Studio. This song “Winds of Change“ goes with Susan’s painting “Keep and Bear”.
Song: You Did This for Me
by Susan and David Edwards
Vocals: Susan Edwards, Roger Hoffman. Guitar: David Edwards. Instrumentation and recording: Roger Hoffman at the Hoffman House. The song “You Did This for Me” goes with Susan’s painting “This for Me?”
Song: My Jesus
by Susan and David Edwards
Vocals: Susan Edwards. Guitar: David Edwards. Instrumentation, singing and recording: Sharon Hopkins. This song “My Jesus” goes with Susan’s painting “My Jesus.”