Keep and Bear s_72.jpg

song - Winds of Change

by Susan and David Edwards (c)

Vocals: Susan Edwards, Montie Williams. Instrumentation: Mark Adkins, Carl Schwitzer, and Gavin Ryan. Recording: Sage Mountain Studio.

The dark storm howls in fury.

It rages all around.

Tries to crush our freedoms

Insanity abounds

When right is wrong

and wrong is right

Because of greed and lust

This vow we need remember,

“In God we put our trust.”

Don’t let the winds of change,

blow you off your course.

Stand up! Stand strong!

Be a mighty force.

We have the right to bear our babes,

the right to keep them free.

The right to keep our families safe,

live in libery.

For these things we hold sacred;

protect them with our lives.

We stand for truth and freedom

so our way of life survives.

Don’t let the winds of change,

blow you off your course

Stand up! Stand strong!

Be a mighty force.

We’re tired of all the craziness,

fed up with all the lies.

You’ve tried to cloud our vision,

but we see through your disguise

So, with my spouse and children,

I solemnly declare

You’ll never take away from me

my right to keep and bear.

Don’t let the winds of change,

blow you off your course

Stand up! Stand strong!

Be a mighty force.

This song “Winds of Change“ goes with Susan’s painting “Keep and Bear”.

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See or buy Susan’s painting “Keep and Bear.”