song - Olive Tree
Vocals: Susan Edwards. Instrumentation, backup vocals and recording: Sharon Hopkins.
The ancient olive tree
bent as if in grief and pain
Witness to the crimson drops
That fall like heavy rain
These drops from Jesus fall
On the parched and thirsty soil
Near the press where fruit is crushed
For precious healing oil
For my parched and thirsty soul
As with the olive fruit
Our refinement is His goal
Pungent bitterness removed
That men’s hearts may be whole
The sin of all mankind
Burns within His hallowed breast
Blood sweats out through ev’ry pore
That mercy be addressed
In agony, He wrestles…
to vanquish evils reign
The chains of hell, the grief of sin,
To ease man’s wretched pain
Triumphant Son of Man,
Rising up from sacred ground
Willing to be lifted up
Upon the cross and bound
Through Him a tree of life
Glorious for all to see
From this sacred garden spot
Life springs eternally
For my parched and thirsty soul
I need His precious oil
That flows from this sacramental soil
The song “Olive Tree” goes with Susan’s painting “Not My Will But Thine.”
Go to Gallery.
See or buy Susan’s painting “Not My Will But Thine.”
Susan and David Edwards